Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Uncle Lah Continues To Talk Shite

Uncle Lah, Uncle Lah...don't be a hypocrite lah...

There are bigots in your party that has been mouthing racist comments and you said nothing about it. Self-censorship konon. Ask who kissed his keris in front of camera - just to show his racial supreme-ness?? Who always asked us to balik China and balik India? Who keeps reminding us of May 13?

Bak kata pepatah, Gajah di depan mata tak kelihatan, semut di seberang kelihatan.

And talk about "ethical journalism" - heh...even The Star put them in inverted commas - you mean only those media (newspapers, tv, etc.) who are sympathetic to your party and those who sings your praises all the time, every time, are ethical lah...correct? Correct, correct, correct, correct...

All those of us who criticize the government are labeled with crude remarks like "monkeys" and "goblok". Our words are baseless while those written by the so-called mainstream media are the gospel of truth.

Balik lah Uncle Lah. Up till now, still want to talk cock. Malaysian ministers, really No.1 at this kind of things. The people who are threatening our national security and public order are those in your government that has been living off the public coffers and abuse their power with impunity. Go clean your own house before you dare talk about being "ethical" about anything.


  1. It's just a matter of time Uncle Lah to balik kampung tidur LAH...... That's what he's good at and nothing more than that! The longer and the more it drag, the more we will all know how corrupted and incompetent Lah..... is! Especially until now they still don't know why people deserted them. Blames are all around except UMNO. UMNO never do things wrong!

    People like us are all seditious, and if he's not happy, mind both us would be charge for sedition lol!

    Take care bang!

  2. vincent: Haha...I hope not...but I guess we'll never know. ISA has always been around and seem like they will keep it for convenience sake for much longer.
