Anyway, I went back to KL for Christmas this year - decided to take Monday off since this year Christmas day falls on a Tuesday and taking a day off makes it four days in row of now work and all play ;p
I could have taken Friday off too since Hari Raya Qurban was last Thursday and my company observe the day as a public holiday. But not enough leaves to take as I plan to take almost a week off work for a trip to Kota Kinabalu next year :D
I have taken lots of pics and after applying some sort of filtering system, I'm posting today's entry on the ones that led up to Christmas - and I'll leave the pics to do the talking, or so the saying goes ;)

I didn't managed to snap photos at Times Square - I guess I was too busy shopping. I had a RM50 Borders voucher with me so I was only too happy to concentrate at the task at hand - getting the right books! ;p

An 8 oz. filet grilled and served with White
Cheddar smashed potatoes and fresh

A USDA choice 21 day aged center-cut, 12 oz.
New York strip steak grilled to your liking
and topped with Merlot-garlic butter.
Served with smashed potatoes, gravy and
fresh vegetables.

A regular portion of Häagen-Dazs vanilla
ice cream, topped with hot fudge sauce,
chopped walnuts, fresh whipped cream,
chocolate sprinkles and a cherry.
Put it in a souvenir Martini glass and keep it
for an additional fee.
A night shot of the Petronas Twin Towers from Concorde Hotel (which is adjacent to HRC)
ice cream, topped with hot fudge sauce,
chopped walnuts, fresh whipped cream,
chocolate sprinkles and a cherry.
Put it in a souvenir Martini glass and keep it
for an additional fee.

After dinner, we thought that we could give it a shot at catching a movie - this time at Midvalley Megamall. Arrived there around 10pm and got the tix for a midnight show. We had plenty of time to kill so we went around snapping pictures.

Memory Lane was displaying some products, mostly soft toys on the ground floor.

This was taken after the movie - very, very early in the morning of X'Mas eve

There was certainly more Christmas spirit in the house as for a long time, my brother - and his family - and I were both back home with my parents.
More pictures to come, some taken on Christmas day, where we had dinner at Chef and Brew. Tonight will be another night out with friends, this time to celebrate the Belated Birthday of a very good friend - so certainly more to blog about ;p
Update (01-Jan-2008): Midvalley won the Best Decorated Mall Contest for 2007. Their decorations carried the theme "Fairy Whispers". Read more here.
Update (01-Jan-2008): Midvalley won the Best Decorated Mall Contest for 2007. Their decorations carried the theme "Fairy Whispers". Read more here.
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