Not much to update over the weekend, though it sure has been a tiring one. First, I made the mistake to clean the shelf. Then I thought I should get those plastic like shelf cupboards (where you can assemble them - DIY - on your own, to replace the old wooden - also DIY - shelves/cupboard. There was just too much dust around the open shelves and being the lazy me - I just wanted something to keep my things clean, without much effort ;p
But then after I took off all the stuff from the shelves...cleaned them, move them to the newly bought plastic drawers...I decided that the room needed some cleaning - and that means all the sweeping and moping, and not forgetting changing the bedsheets and comforter.
On hindsight that wasn't a lot work, cause that's what I usually do anyway when I clean the room. But then I also thought I should organize all my documents also, which includes, bank and credit card statements (from different banks), bills, receipts, and a whole host of other 'stuff'. I went to get new files - different colour ones too - and cleaned the drawers and tables that were littered with unsorted documents.
And then last night I found out that I had a bunch of clothes - t-shirts mostly - that started to get moldy (OK, I know...yuck...) on me and so I had to sort all of them out, pack them and sent them to the laundry today. I was too lazy to wash all the clothes + bedsheets, so I thought paying to get them done was the better way out ;p
To me, it was definitely a tiring weekend - and yet I managed to slot in a session of mahjong with my sis-in-law and friends. And watched both episodes 7 and 8 of
Heroes ;p And went out for a dinner of dim-sum in Georgetown with a visiting friend from Kajang.
And you know what? All the cleaning started because my 80GB external HD crashed on me on Friday and I was turning my room upside down to find the receipt for it. In the end, I didn't find it and didn't need it either. Brought it back the shop at Bukit Jambul (Bayan Baru) and the guy said they will send it back to their supplier/distributor/(not sure what he called it) for repair - and the sad part is that it'll take 3-4 weeks. Said it was still under warranty and gave me another receipt for collection. I'm hoping that it can be recovered...would hate needing to download all the stuff that's in there again. I think I have burned all the pictures in there onto CDs, so it should be alright in that department. Even if it's unrecoverable, I pray that I don't need to buy a new one. Touch wood. Cross my fingers.
This morning was a rush. Had to use my lunch break to go fix my car. On Friday afternoon, I detected some 'noise' coming out of my car and at first I thought that something was lose beneath the car. I tried jacking up the car and having a peek at what might be lose, but could not find a clue. Then I thought my exhaust could be punctured because the Wira SE I'm driving has low profile tires and I kind of put a dent on the exhaust about more than a year back.
So I sent my car for a check up at the Proton Edar workshop and found out that the muffler was broken, thus making the clunking noise I was hearing. meant I needed to spend $$$ again. And I was already going broke with all the expenses this month. Anyway, couldn't get it done at the Proton Edar place, and so I brought it to a store by the name of Kiong Lee (somewhere near Vistana Hotel if anyone reading this is familiar with the Bayan Baru area) - which is an exhaust repair shop.
Well, the long story short, got the whole thing fixed for RM270. The muffler itself was around RM180 - got a stainless steel one - but I changed other parts of the exhaust as well to fix some problems I had with the car. Apparently, according to the guy there, the exhaust (sometimes just the muffler like in my case) for the Proton Wira SE usually last for about 2 years only - before the thing goes. Talk about low quality.
I guess the best part of it was that I don't actually need to pay the fix till the end of next month - caused I charged it to my credit card ;p Hehe...ya ya...I know, I know, I do keep track of my expenses. But this is one of the best examples on why using credit cards can be very convenient and useful.
Anyway, no pictures of all the things that I have crapped about above. If I'm feeling free or maybe just for kicks, I'll try taking some pics and puting them up here as an update. Till then, I'm going to get back to planning for this appreciation dinner I'm helping to organize for my department. Where should we have it....
G-Cafe? Or
Cafe Laurel? Anyone reading this been to any one of them?