Sunday, November 25, 2007

To be racial or not to be - that is the stupid question

Teargas were fired again.

Water cannons were again brutally effective.

What can I say? That unless you are part of UMNO and its gang of members, you will barred from going to any open rally - much less organize one.

And our Prime Minister has the audacity (to quote The Star) to say the following:
“It has nothing to do with race. People should stop linking or viewing everything that happens in the country as a racial matter,” the Prime Minister said.
How can the people not view things in racial lenses when their leaders speaks about everything along racial lines?

These days, almost everything that comes out of BN and its cronies has the word 'race' laced with it. Be it from building more Chinese type schools in an attempt to appease the Chinese community, to the keris-wielding, keris-kissing antics that they hope people are blind to see.

Perhaps the BN component parties, such as UMNO, MCA and MIC, should all merge into a single political party rather than continuing with their racist agendas. There is no one more racist in this country than the leaders of these parties, despite their outdated justification that the needs of each races have to be championed - separately. I call that bullshit because of the obvious reason that their main objective is the continuance of their stranglehold on power, which they have so unfairly gained at the people's expense.

Our so-called leaders are too entrenched in the mindset that they know what's best for the people. In actual fact, all they know is what's best for themselves. They know what needs to be done for them to stay in power. And they also know that in order for them to wield absolute power, the people needs to be kept ignorant at all cost. And so they loath those who challenge their so-called authority and will move swiftly to denounce, cripple and even persecute any movement that they see will gain momentum and threaten their grip on power.

Our PM has already said it - "saya pantang dicabar". It means he sees it as a taboo to challenge him. He's daring the people of Malaysia, who voted his political party into power, to challenge him. Oh...the arrogance of Malaysia's political leaders. A shame on us for voting such people into office.

You see, there is nothing more sweet than being in power. Being rich and having complete control over one's own destiny is truly...addictive and something that most people would be more than reluctant to lose. To quote a famous phrase by one Lord Acton "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men".

Reading this piece of news, one can only resign to the fact that the government has probably pulled the right strings in preparation of the coming general election. The phrase, "buying into people's heart", aptly applies here. But we should not be discouraged. Instead we should continue to strive for a balanced system and one that is far less corrupt, far more transparent and one that would be held accountable for abusing its powers. Oh...and one that is not racist - that way the PM would not need to worry about the people viewing everything than happens in the Boleh-land as a racial matter.

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