Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Electoral Reforms! Are You Game?

Note: Click the banner for the full-sized version

Some people complained about it...some even said it disrupted their shopping plans...some were bemused by the popularity it gained...some are confused over the number of people who joined...one minister was so shocked that he stammered his way through an interview with Al-Jazeera...

On the other hand, some thought it was history in the making...a lot cheered the people for making it...many more wrote about it on their blogs...and even more are now talking about it...and it gave some people back their belief that this country can be changed for the better...

And well, I missed it...but that's another story. Regardless of your reason for being there AND for not being there - it now matters not. What matters is that when there are thousands of people willing to take a march and face possible persecution, I believe something is wrong and that the voices need to be heard. What is a democracy without the right to voice our discontent - even if some would argue that it's only of the minority?

We are not living in a mob-ruled country where the majority (or more accurately - the minority with "powers") tramples over the rights of the so-called "minority". If Malaysia is to move towards a truly democratic country, then it should learn how to live with people voicing their opinions and criticisms openly. Like someone mentioned in his blog earlier, it's called EVOLUTION of our country's democratic process.

And so to contribute and to make up for missing out on this moment, I made the above banner with my thoughts aim directly at the powers that be. Think you would lose the next election if you submit to electoral reforms?

If you like it, feel free to share the banner.


  1. nice banner
    let's print it on our 1.2 t shirt! hahhahaha

  2. looks like ppl complainng about them missing their shopping trip is also making waves huh... haha...

    indeed... it's evolution...

  3. Sharon,
    Haha...well, that would be a great idea! Unfortunately we can't bring this sort of politics to the office ;p

    Well, shopping seems to be important to some people - so I guess we should let them rant all they want :)
    The rest of us should focus on the bigger picture and try to make this evolution a success.
