Anyway, I have finally managed to go about organizing the celebrations for one of our product releases. While there are still quite a lot of stuff to coordinate and complete before the actual day of the event - which is next Thursday - I'm hoping that it'll be a success. Have some help from a few friends, so keeping my fingers crossed - as usual.
There will be a Treasure Hunt in QueensBay Mall - yeah, we are doing it in a shopping complex - and then we are going for movies at the GSC and then finally an appreciation dinner at TGI Fridays. Some of our managers were really great in willing to contribute some $$$ to having this celebration.'s all in the idea to reward your hardworking employees, right? ;p I will update more with pictures after the event next week.
And on other news...
England got booted out of Euro 2008! I guess they weren't lucky enough this time. But I heard they were crap last night, so perhaps they deserved it, despite Israel doing them a favour by beating Russia earlier on. And you know what? Because of not making it to the finals, England's economy could be affected. Read this.
And of course, Steve Mclaren surely got the boot for selecting the wrong players, not to mention the wrong formation, which of course resulted in the wrong result that night. Well, practically everything seems to have gone awry for England, its squad, and its the manager. The FA will now spend the next few months looking a suitable manager - and I really hope they get the right one this time.
Oh well, I haven't spent much time on these matches these days. It was good that I went to Starbucks that night instead and got myself a hot Toffe Nut Latte.

with endland out... malaysia and HK will not have a home team in next year's euro.... lol!