Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day

Ah...first day of work in the Year of the Earth Rat. Hehe to say that I'm not in the mood is an understatement. And yet things need to be done...emails to to be planned...and plans to be ironed out...The more I procrastinate, the less time I have to do them.

I had a wonderful time off, although I wish I had more sleep. No...I wasn't out partying the night away. I just couldn't sleep till around 4 am the last few nights...don't know why. Perhaps there is too much on my mind? While getting enough sleep is essential for my plans to be recharged for work and all - I didn't let it get in the way of eating and getting red packets by visiting relatives and friends :P

Speaking of red packets or better known in Malaysia as "ang pow", I received more packets this year, but the amount is less. But in a way, receiving more packets seems to be more important than the quantity for me this year. It's probably because it meant I managed to visit more friends and having a good time along the way. Hehe...I don't open them till next year's New Year anyway - not unless I'm in desperate need of cash.

And what is the New Year without some gambling? Spent the whole of the "3rd Day" gambling in a friend's house in Sg. Long. I lost a few bucks in total, but in return for a lot of laughter and enjoyment, I guess it was worth it. Plus, we had a fantastic meal after the session - all prepared by my friend's parents :D

Now that we touched on meals, I think this year I had plenty of nice meals - from the Reunion Dinner, i.e. on New Year's Eve, to yesterday's lunch before heading back up to Penang. But it should be a given cause eating is one of the main activities during the Chinese New Year celebration. isn't it? ;p

My family only 'lou shang' once this year - which was during the Reunion Dinner, but from the amount of delicious food we had since then, I must say that I already feel a lot of "fook" (prosperity) - particularly those growing around my belly ;p

Today is the "7th Day", which is "Yan Yat" (people's day or something like that if translated) - it means it's everybody's birthday today! So Happy Birthday! :D Going to have "lou shang" again tonight with colleagues and then will be watching CJ7 at Queesbay Mall. Haha...thinner on my wallet, but these sort of "once a year" kind of things shouldn't be missed, right?

Oh...and Valentine's Day is tomorrow. How are you guys celebrating? If you have not gotten a gift for your loved one by now, it's not too late to do "something" nice for him or her - like maybe preparing a nice dinner, open a bottle of wine (ice cream, cakes, chocolates would do if you don't take alcohol) and spend some quality time together? For me, I might be at home doing another "lou shang" with my brother and his family...haha am I overdoing it? ;p

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day and hope everyone has a great time with their loved ones - even though you might not feel that you should get a gift for the sake of buying one - due to overpricing and commercialization of V Day. Not for Vendetta, mind you.

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