Their speeches were OK-ish, with Raveen being the better speaker than Sim. Both were clearly not politicians - and while they really do need to brush up on their public speaking, they did appear honest in their believes. They believe that PKR is the better party and that its policies will benefit the people.
OK, Sim's speech was actually pretty slow since he repeated his points in three different languages, mainly Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin (sometimes in Hokkien too). It was at this moment that I felt hungry and nicked away for a bite at Nasi Kandar Kayu. OK, I'm not a fan of PKR and a man's got to eat, no? ;p
But I was hoping to catch Anwar Ibrahim (although again, not a fan) because I believe his speeches are usually better prepared and he can pretty much still charm the crowd like he used to when he was the deputy prime minister. By the time I went back to have a look, the crowd had already swell to more than 150 people, all listening to a speaker from PRM - though I didn't catch his name as he has already started his introductions.
Anyway, after about 10 minutes or so, we heard the news that Anwar was going to arrive soon. And from the expressions of those around, it seemed that they too were waiting eagerly for the arrival of the charismatic PKR leader. So when he arrived to explain his party's agenda and what he really meant with this "New Economic Agenda", we were not disappointed.
I managed to record the early part of his speed with my camera, though it soon ran out of memory. Plus the visual captured was quite bad - but the audio is still pretty good. Have a listen. We have heard enough of the crap that is coming out from the state-controlled media, so let's hear what the other side has to say. By the end of his speech, there were about 300+ people gathered - and all gathered by the roadside along the operation house.
We continued to add on his party's policies on improving health care and if remembered correctly, on having a minimum wage system in this country - IF they were in power.
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