Monday, February 4, 2008

"Star"-ing MIC

Looks like there are quite a few articles on The Star today on MIC, MIC and more MIC. It ranges from re-engineering, trusts (???), temples, so-called "key issues" (whatever those are) and education. I'm sure they would have squeezed in even more MIC stories if it wasn't because the spin would have been too obvious.

And they say HINDRAF didn't work? Even though MIC is merely putting on a show for us to see, nonetheless the march has garnered the necessary attention. If MIC wants to talk about re-engineering, perhaps their President should step down and let the younger generation to do the re-engineering. MIC doesn't need nor, honestly speaking, want him. Malaysians would certainly like to see the back of that one, with his broken Bahasa Malaysia and all.

Let see what our local newz managed to cook up out of one meeting...

Re-engineer yourself to remain relevant, Najib tells MIC
- Follow what UMNO did? UMNO is still as racist as it ever has been. In fact with the keris waving madman around, it's hard to see what you lot have re-engineered into. And you want those in MIC to follow your example? Maybe they should have started waving the Khanda when you were giving your speech?

Trust Barisan, Indians told
- Yeah...that's why you get temples destroyed without much notice, much less any care. That's why you get HINDRAF on our streets. Whose fault was it that did these things happened? Because the people trusted Barisan.
“The household income of Indians is RM3,215 – more than the national average of RM3,022, while their relative poverty rate stands at 2.9% compared to 8.3% for bumiputras and 0.6% for the Chinese,” he added. [...]
Try asking those working in the estates. RM3,215 my foot. If you average those of the richest and those of the poorest, of course you get a bloody average. That does not mean that there are no poor Indian Malaysians. There is a higher percentage of poorer bumiputras because the bumiputras has a larger population. It simply doesn't mean that Indian Malaysians are doing better than the bumiputras.

These are all twisted statistics just to make the government look good. And the reason why there is a higher percentage of poor bumiputra is because of corrupt elites at the top of the food chain pocketing all the benefits meant for the poor. By the time things trickle down, there is nothing left except to maintain the status quo. The poor stays poor and the rich just gets richer.

Najib promises orderly relocation of temples
- Ever heard of a mosque being relocated? Or that it became a big deal to the community? Enough said.

MIC wants Government to intervene in key issues
- Took you long enough to even mention them aloud. These issues were known la...If the government wanted to fix them, they would have done so already. The only reason why they didn't bother is because they just don't care. Not until it starts to affect their votes in the coming election. Wake up mate! were always awake...just that you also didn't care la...correct?

Do or die battle for MIC - Read this piece. You think Samy will step down in the coming election? I think the pigs will fly first.


  1. AK owns everything! The rest of us has nothing.

  2. 3125!!!!!??????????

    the things they say.... they can really just make all sorts of claim.

  3. inbaraj: That's how they define average. As long as there are a couple of rich people to balance out the poor in the population, that's how they will use statistics to blind the people.

    zewt: Yeah and it'll get more and more ridiculous as we near the general elections. They'll just keep spinning and spinning...
